by lefteous | Jan 1, 2024 | a question
Now that’s the question The only one that matters And the best part is I don’t know That freed me once but never...
by lefteous | Sep 20, 2023 | a question
i can’t go again. not because i can’t handle being there, but because i can’t endure coming back. i have withstood much. the presence of demons, the attacks of devils, communion with angels and even being utterly cut off from the very Silence i worship. the weight of...
by lefteous | Jul 19, 2023 | a question
Nothing? How can I? The other day I watched clouds stride across the sky. For an hour the herd slowly dispersed until the field was it’s beautiful empty blue. They’re always the same. A cloud never forgets who they are. They remember everything. Every...
by lefteous | Oct 16, 2022 | a question
If the eight year old version of me could see me now I know what he would think. First he’d be surprised we made it passed twenty six. Never thought we’d be so old. Next he would be glad we could grow a mustache. He would note that we’re not as tall as we thought we’d...
by lefteous | Oct 26, 2021 | a question
Each time I’ve lived or spent time with someone I like, I look forward to disappearing again. Why do you think that is? I am easily bored. That seems sort of sad. To be so easily bored by others. I have been wondering if it is and if I should...
by lefteous | Jan 22, 2021 | a question
What more do you need? You are somebody, somewhere. Continue to...